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Historical Exchange Rates For New Zealand Dollar to United States Dollar 0.661 0.678 0.694 0.710 0.727 0.743 Oct 28 Nov 12 Nov 27 Dec 12 Dec 27 Jan 11 Jan 26 Feb 10 120-day exchange rate history for NZD to USD Quick Conversions from New Zealand Dollar to United States Dollar : 1 NZD = 0.74307 USD This Pound Sterling and New Zealand Dollar convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 24, 2021. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Pound Sterling. Use "Swap currencies" to make New Zealand Dollar the default currency. Home > New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rates Table New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rates Table Converter Top 10 Feb 24, 2021 17:04 UTC. New Zealand Dollar 1.00 NZD Convert 1,000 CNY to USD with the TransferWise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese Yuan / Chinese Yuan rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email. 2003 - 2021 © Mataf - 18 years at your service - version 21.02.02.us.na About Us - English . English Français Indonesia ไทย español Tiếng Việt hrvatski Namibian Dollar exchange rates and currency conversion.

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On the last week currencies rate was cheaper for £-0.00433 GBP.Last month was lower on - £ 0.00016. Price for 1 AU dollar was 0.56366 Pound Sterling Minecraft Kapsa Vydání je mobilní verze Minecraft vyvinutý Mojang AB To bylo zpočátku zahájena výhradně pro Xperia PLAY na Google Play (dříve známá jako Android Market) 4 za 8,78430 NZD / 7,49 dolarů AUS / 6,99 dolarů / 4,28 liber / 5,49 € 16.

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The winery specializes in making Bordeaux wine using methods that were common to the 19th Century before the phylloxera louse struck, devastating the wine industry. This Pound Sterling and New Zealand Dollar convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 24, 2021. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Pound Sterling. Use "Swap currencies" to make New Zealand Dollar the default currency.

77 liber na nzd dolarů

The NZD conversion factor has 6 significant digits. GBP NZD coinmill.com 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.90 2.00 3.90 5.00 9.60 10.00 19.30 20.00 38.50 50.00 96.30 100.00 For the month (30 days) Date Day of the week 1 USD to CAD Changes Changes % February 25, 2021: Thursday: 1 USD = 1.25 CAD-0.02 CAD-1.55%: January 26, 2021 Liber Pater is a high profile producer in the Graves region of Bordeaux, France. The winery specializes in making Bordeaux wine using methods that were common to the 19th Century before the phylloxera louse struck, devastating the wine industry. NZD New Zealand Dollar. PHP Philippine Peso.

Les options de change. Si le cours de change au comptant est inférieur au&nb USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, AUD, CHF, CAD, NZD, HKD, SGD. Langues de support: Anglais, chinois, russe, Japonais. Régulée par: ASIC (Australie) Licence №ACN   USD - Americký dolár. USD - Americký dolár, AUD - Austrálsky dolár, GBP - Britská libra, BGN - Bulharské leva, CZK - Česká koruna, HRK - Chorvátska kuna   25 Nov 2020 La GBP/USD caía hoy tras los datos económicos decepcionantes un resultado de 76,9, ligeramente por debajo de la cifra esperada de 77. Poplatek u CurrencyFair činí zhruba 3 eura (tedy cca 77 korun) a 0,4 % z celkové částky. Pokud je vám uživatelské prostředí v angličtině hodně proti srsti, máme  USD Dolar americký. 45 220.

NA-75 by-election: ECP The 12 month US Dollar (USD) LIBOR interest rate is the average interest rate at which a selection of banks in London are prepared to lend to one another in American dollars with a maturity of 12 months. Alongside the 12 month US Dollar (USD) LIBOR interest rate we also have a large number of other LIBOR interest rates for other maturities and/or in other currencies. Q: Is the Dollar going up or down against the Hong Kong Dollar? A: Today's exchange rate (7.7545) is the same value compared to yesterday's rate (7.7545). Q: What is 50 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars? The international dollar (int'l dollar or intl dollar, symbols Int'l$., Intl$., Int$), also known as Geary–Khamis dollar (symbols G-K$ or GK$), is a hypothetical unit of currency that has the same purchasing power parity that the U.S. dollar had in the United States at a given point in time. It is widely used in economics and financial statistics for various purposes, most notably to Maximum.

77 liber na nzd dolarů

74. -44 Canadian Dollar. 15. NZD Dolar novozélandský. 20. 0,0.

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Régulée par: ASIC (Australie) Licence №ACN   USD - Americký dolár. USD - Americký dolár, AUD - Austrálsky dolár, GBP - Britská libra, BGN - Bulharské leva, CZK - Česká koruna, HRK - Chorvátska kuna   25 Nov 2020 La GBP/USD caía hoy tras los datos económicos decepcionantes un resultado de 76,9, ligeramente por debajo de la cifra esperada de 77. Poplatek u CurrencyFair činí zhruba 3 eura (tedy cca 77 korun) a 0,4 % z celkové částky. Pokud je vám uživatelské prostředí v angličtině hodně proti srsti, máme  USD Dolar americký.